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Terms And Conditions
Contents List
1. Membership Packages
We offer 4 packages (subject to availability) referred to by the number of classes a student can attend per week.
1 Class Per Week
2 Classes per Week
3 Classes per Week
Unlimited Classes Per Week
Pay As You Go (PAYG) – Pay per class attended
2. Agreement terms & Cancellation
Student contracts automatically renew each month, unless cancelled.
Cancellation notices must be given in writing, and no less than one month on advance of renewal/payment date.
Classes run a minimum of 48 weeks per year and a maximum of 50. There is always a two-week gap over Christmas, with a potential of additional two weeks during the year. These weeks, if taken, will be detailed no less than 6 weeks in advance.
2.1. Account Suspension
​In the event of illness/injury/pregnancy where a student will be unable to attend classes for more than 1 payment cycle, the student account can be suspended until such time as they are able to attend again. In cases of illness, this will require a doctor’s certificate.
Account suspension does not allow for trips away, holidays or other non-medical reasons.
Student accounts can be “paused” for 1 payment cycle in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the schools Sifu.
We understand that exceptional circumstances can occur. Should there be any reason to suspend or pause the membership outside of details here, please speak to the school Sifu.
Account suspension does not allow for trips away, holidays or other non-medical reasons
3. Personal Information
Student information is collected for communication and administration purposes only, and kept in accordance with the schools Privacy Policy.
It is the students/parent/guardians responsibility to ensure all details are correct.
The school should be informed immediately of any change of details. Failure to do so may result in the student missing updates/information for which, the school accepts no liability.
4. Payments
​Monthly fees are referred to as Monthly Membership Fees.
Payments are taken in advance of the month, based on 12 four week periods.
PAYG members are required to make payment, in full, before the start of the lesson.
Monthly payments are to be made on 1st of the month.
Payments are due without request.
Payments for initial month will be made for the remainder of the month, based on a 4-week billing period.
10% family discount applies only to direct family members, paying from the same account.
Payments can be made by direct debit or transfer.
Direct debit payments are collected by Nest Management.
All fees are non-refundable.
Prices for monthly membership fees may be reviewed annually, and notification will be given in writing, no less than 1 month in advance.
Any lessons attended outside the selected membership package, will be due for payment the same month.
Any missed classes cannot be carried over
4.1. Late/Missed payments
​Late/missed payments will be pursued by our administration team.
Late Payment of Monthly Membership Fees may result in the student not being allowed to attend classes until payment has been made.
Two consecutive missed payments may result in membership being cancelled.
Repeated late/missed payments may result in cancellation of the student membership.
In the event of the membership being terminated, any payments or amounts still owed will be required immediately.
It is the responsibility of the account holder to ensure payments are made. This includes direct debits clearing, transfers being paid on time and PAYG being received in advance of the class.
4.2. Uniform Orders
​Uniform orders are to be paid for in advance, at the time of ordering.
No refunds will be given for errors made at the time of ordering by the student. E.g. students ordering wrong sizes.
Refunds/replacements will be given should the error be the fault of the school.
4.3. Events/Grading’s
​Grading opportunities will be available 4 times per year.
Payments for all events and grading’s must be made in advance by the date stipulated by the school.
Payments for events/grading’s are non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the schools Sifu.
Payments for events/grading’s are non-transferable except in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the schools Sifu.
Special events such as training days, camps or outings must be paid for in advance by the date specified for the event.
Exclusive seminars are conducted regularly. Every student should aim to attend at least 2 per year.
At adult Grade 5 or equivalent, the student is learning more intricate Chisau. In order to maintain a high standard and to ensure maximum progression, students of this level and above are recommended to have at least one private lesson a month.
5. Spectators/Visitors
​We encourage parents to remain in the class to view and better understand what their child is learning. However, we ask that parents remember that we are here to teach the children Martial Arts, which includes self-discipline and self-reliance. If your presence is affecting the child learning, you will be asked to not attend for the child’s benefit. Our viewing spectator rules are as follows:
Viewing a class/event is solely at the discretion of the Sifu.
All spectators will need to ensure they are not in any way disruptive to the class/event. If they are, they will be asked to leave.
Spectators are to remain silent. Please remember that voices in a hall can carry far, as can noises from mobile phones or other - devises. All noises outside of training and instruction can be very distracting to both the students and teachers.
Spectators are not to encourage/correct students from the side-lines.
Spectators must adhere to the schools photography, filming and recording terms and conditions.
If your child runs to you without the permission of the Sifu/assistant, you should have them return to the Sifu. This is an example of self-discipline and students should not leave the training area without the Sifu’s express permission.
No spectators are permitted during adult classes.
Children under 16 years old are not permitted during adult classes.
6. Child Collection and Drop-Off
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure any student under 13 is transported to and from classes.
If your child cannot be collected on time for any reason, they should not attend the class.
If someone other than the student’s legal parent/guardian is to transport the child to or from training sessions, the legal parent/guardian must inform the school leader or their official representative before attending.
Any representative of the parent/guardian, must be over the age of 13, be a responsible individual and both be aware of, and agree to, any and all terms and conditions that may apply to them.
Students aged 13 years or older are not required to be transported to or from training sessions by another individual, although it is strongly advised that they are.
If parents/guardian/representatives are collecting the child, they should wait outside until the class is complete before entering the hall. This is so as not to disrupt the class and distract the student.
7. Photography, filming and Recording
​We understand the wish to record pictures/videos/sound recordings of the students training. However, safeguarding, child protection and students privacy must be adhered to.
No filming or photography is permitted without the express permission of all the individuals in the photo/video/recording. This includes spectators, visitors, other students, the Sifu and any other school/association representatives.
The schools/association representative may, at any time of training or events, take pictures/videos/recordings for school/association marketing and administration use.
8. Uniform
Full uniform should be worn at all times during training.
Uniform consists of school T-shirt and bottoms, purchased from the school/association.
Uniform should be clean, tidy and in good condition.
Additional types of uniform are available from the school/association.
No jewellery, watches or accessories of any kind other is to be worn when training.
9. PPE
​When required, students are to wear relevant PPE when training.
PPE can be purchased outside of the school however, it must be fit for purpose.
10. Drugs & Alcohol
​There is a zero-tolerance policy on drugs.
There is a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol.
Any student or visitor found, or suspected of, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the training area immediately and could also lead to the student being expelled from the school.
11. General Conduct
​Students should follow the school etiquette at all times.
As we operate in close proximity to others. Therefore, you should always be considerate of others and maintain a high standard of personal hygiene.
Students should follow the school etiquette at all times.
Do not smoke, eat or chew gum in class. Ensure that your mobile phone is switched off or on silent and left away from the training area so that it does not disturb the class.
If you have an injury or condition that affects your training in class, it is your responsibility to make sure that the instructor conducting the lesson is aware before the class starts. If you begin to feel unwell during the class or are worried that you might exacerbate your injury, please let the instructor know immediately and you will be able to sit out the exercise or will be told to do an alternative activity that won’t irritate your injury. Do not attempt to carry on training if you are in any pain.
Only use the skills you gain from your training for self-defence. It is the responsibility of the students to ensure that they always act in accordance with the Law. The use of force should always be the last resort. Any student that is found to be misusing the skills they have gained will result in immediate expulsion from the school.
If you have any concerns about the Academy such as the tuition, any of the instructors’ behaviour or believe you are being treated inappropriately, please contacts us at
12. Etiquette
​Everyone visiting or attending classes or events are expected to adhere to the school Ettiquete.
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