Fundamentals of Wing Tsun
Fundamentally Wing Tsun is a street fighting art; the system is based on what you are likely to face in a real-life situation. From basic self-defence, to very violent and dangerous situations (multiple attackers, attackers carrying weapons, a very large and skilled attacker). See syllabus.
What makes Wing Tsun so adaptable is the understanding of the principles, theories and strategies – this combined with martial skill can allow a practitioner to adapt to any situation or opponent.

Martial Arts:
A Chinese martial art with a history of hundreds of years is Wing Tsun, which originates from the Shaolin Monastery.

Formal Exercises
Wing Tsun contains formwork, 3 bare hands, and wooden formwork.

Chi practices and soothing and health-preserving tasks are also taught. Apart from training, we are also raising a healthy lifestyle.

Traditional Kung Fu Weapons:
2.6 m Long Poles and Cantonese Butterfly Blades are traditional
Chinese weapons that can be handled.

History of Wing Tsun

Wing Tsun is a style of Kung Fu created over 300 years ago in China. The style was a hybrid of the hard, animal styles of the Shaolin; and the soft motions of Woo Tang. Wing Tsun combines the two for hard, powerful attacks and the soft, fluid defences. Wing Tsun was created to be the “ultimate” martial art, taking all the best techniques from the current arts, and discarding anything that was not effective. Wing Tsun was the first form of Kung Fu designed on the movements of humans, as opposed to animals.
The purpose of the Wing Tsun system is to defeat the opponent(s) as quickly as possible while avoiding harm and using minimal energy. Unlike sport-based arts, Wing Tsun’s goal is not to score points, wear the opponent down, or tap the opponent out. Nor does it follow rules of sports intended to protect the fighters. Put simply, it is designed to defend against any opponent(s) in any situation. This makes Wing Tsun extremely effective on the street where there are no rules, and no dependency on help.
The Wing Tsun fighter’s strategy is based on The Principles of Wing Tsun. When defending an attack, there are dozens of options. The Wing Tsun practitioner uses the option that best fits the situation, as outlined in the principles they have learnt. As a student progresses through the system, they learn more and more principles and uses of techniques to give them more options to choose from.
Wing Tsun uses quick footwork, defending the stabilising leg and aiming to move around the opponent constantly. There is a saying in Wing Tsun – “If you stay, it is sure you will be hit. If you move, it is only a possibility”. Wing Tsun fighters are sometimes called “Ghost Fighters”. They move constantly and never stop once the fight begins. Wing Tsun uses legs more than their arms, using stance, footwork and kicks first. Kicks are the human beings longest weapons, and even short peoples legs are longer than large people’s arms. Why use a knife when you have a sword? And why step towards an attack if it isn’t going to reach you?
Wing Tsun uses short, direct movements and body mechanics and to deliver devastating attacks aimed at weak arrears of the body. The Wing Tsun practitioner does not intend to trade shots until one of the combatant’s drops. The Wing Tsun practitioner attacks with a barrage of direct strikes at a multitude of targets, which are vulnerable on all human beings such as the eyes, nose, throat, ribs, groin, knees and ankles. There is no such thing as “one” hit, just the FIRST hit.
Wing Tsun is also recognisable by its yielding to greater force principle. Wing Tsun does not fight force with force. Imagine two Samurai warriors. One attacks with a downward, diagonal slice to the neck. The second warrior defends with the same attack and the sword clash. We now see a classic picture of the two samurai locked in a battle of strength, endurance & will. In this case, the stronger, bigger, more powerful samurai will be able to force their opponent back and gain advantage… Now imagine the same scene, only this time, and the second warrior steps aside and deflects the attack, to counter from a different angle. The first warrior is now at a disadvantage – the force intended to cut his opponent in half has been redirected towards the ground and he is now vulnerable to a quick finish to the duel. Wing Tsun was designed to defeat all opponents, even those who are much bigger or stronger. The Wing Tsun fighter does not block attacks, they deflect/divert them away.
Wing Tsun gains its speed from using the most direct line to the opponent. It is also gained by using simultaneous attacks and defences. The Wing Tsun fighter does not defend then attack, they do both at the same time. Using this principle, an opponent would be hit as they throw an attack. This uses the opponent’s force of attack against them, but also stops the opponent from getting into a rhythm of combinations or attacks, or just stops them altogether. – “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face”
Wing Tsun does not solely rely on techniques to answer questions, it relies on principles. There is no one answer to anything. What one Wing Tsun practitioner would do in any given situation, is not necessarily what another would do – in fact, it is likely that it would not be. Some fighters prefer to get close for elbows and knees. Others would use kicks more. Others use more takedowns to finish the opponent on the floor. All are using Wing Tsun, all work; it just depends on the fighter.
Examples of fighting Principles:
Use the shortest and most direct route of attack
Protect your centreline
Defend and attack simultaneously
Yield to a greater force/ use opponents force against them
Attack weak targets
Hit from where your hands lie (do not show or telegraph an attack)

Our Ethos
Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun Association
We have kept our code of conduct the traditional code that IP man wrote himself.

Remain Disciplined.
Uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist
Be respectful and honest
Serve your community and honour your family
Love your fellow students and classmates
Be united and avoid conflict
Limit your pursuits of bodily pleasures
Preserve the proper attitude
Train diligently and make it a habit
Cultivate your skill
Learn to be calm
Don’t participate in arguments and fights
Cooperate with people
Be civilized and gentle in your manners
Show empathy and humanity for all human kind
Use your fighting ability for the good of humanity
Pass on our traditions
Promote our art and its code of conduct

The first stage of your training is the most important. Without a strong foundation a person cannot build well upon it.
With you ever step of the way
It can be intimidating walking into a class with lots of people, who have been training for some time, but we operate as a family and we are supportive, encouraging and patient with each other. That includes students, assistants, and teachers.
Learning all together
For our longer running schools with an advanced group, we integrate the students together for the first part of our classes; our advanced students train with the beginners so that there is a two-way development; the advanced students polish their beginner material and the beginners get help with their development. When the class is split to relevant levels we ensure an assistant is with both groups.
Progression at your pace
We never want our beginners so feel out of place or out of depth, and so we work hard to ensure they don’t.
Beginners handbook
We also hand out a student handbook which is designed to give beginners have access to the terminology, grading structure and basic principles of Wing Tsun.
First stage
The first stage of the beginner grades is self-defence theories and learning the 5 stages of self-defence which include:
Hair pulls
Tackle to the ground
Basic strike defence.